Sow indoors under cover: January to April
Flowering months: July to October
Planting distance: 1m
Height: 1-2m
Pinch: Yes
(Pinching means to snip off the growing tip. At 30cm remove the growing tip. This will encourage to the plant to multi branch and produce more flowers.)
Sow indoors: Sow into individual cell trays, water sparingly, don't let the soil dry out but not too wet. Once seedlings have germinated, water from the bottom only, this avoids them damping off.
Once they are big enough to handle, transfer into individual small pots.
Plant out when the risk of frost has passed.
ALL our seeds are hand collected from plants we have grown from seed ourselves.
No pesticides are used on our farm and all plants are organically fed.
Our seeds are collected and separated by hand.
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